Friday, June 19, 2015

The Most Incredible Day.. {Part 1}

On Monday June 8th I went in for a Dr. appointment and my Dr. didn't like how my blood pressure had been raising and the protein in my urine had been elevating. Also, for the last 3 weeks I had not progressed from 1.5 CM and 80% effaced. He told me to go home, get the things I needed and head to the hospital to be induced that night. 
I stayed pretty calm but had been feeling some contractions while waiting in the Dr. Office for him to come in and talk to me. 
Sydney had come with me just in case (because Spencer was at work). So I left the Dr.'s office slowly becoming more and more in shock and didn't say anything to Syd till we got in the car. We got in the car and I told her that we were going to the hospital to be induced then I started to tear up. By this time I was paralyzed with shock.. I whispered at her to call mom and tell her, but don't put her on speaker phone. I had to whisper so as to not cry. I was excited, shocked, scared and overwhelmed. We made it home and we both started to pack things and get ready. 

I saw that Spencer was on his way home so I didn't want to call him and stress him out.. So I waited till he go home and said.. "Hey.. guess what?... We are going to hospital to be induced!" He just came into the room and kissed me and said, "I love you so much.. We are going to have a baby!!" So he started getting packed too. (He was just all excited..not nervous at all)  I got a blessing from Ken and they sent us off to the Hospital. Sandy and Sydney followed us there. We got there and they started to set us up to be admitted to be induced. While waiting in triage at Labor and Delivery I had a minor breakdown because my mom was not coming until Saturday... I was so scared to do this without her.. That's the way I had always seen it and wanted it. So I was panicking. I was texting her and looking up tickets for the next day at the same time. 

We found one that left at 7:30 the next morning so we bought it. 
Then we got moved into our labor and delivery room and Sandy and Syd came too. 

   (You can tell I'm a little freaked out..and swollen..hahah)

They hooked me up with an IV and the monitors around my belly to monitor Olivia. 

I was having contractions (from the time I was in the Dr. Office earlier) so they wanted to see if they would stop so they could give me some other medicine.. but they didn't.

So they started the Petocin that night.. And the adventure began! 
I was all poked up and ready to go.. they poked me 3 times to try and get the IV in. Yikes! 

Part 2 Coming up next!! 

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