Monday, June 22, 2015

The Most Incredible Day {Part 2!!}

  So after starting the Petocin and going all night I decided that I couldn't keep trying to be strong so I asked for the Epidural at 8 am and so they set that all up. I was so scared of getting that because of the Spinal tap that I had 3 years ago that went wrong. So when they finally stuck the needle in and I felt a little pressure I kinda tensed up and started crying. Spencer had to sit in front of me and calm me down. He had to talk me through it and help me lean forward to get it done. After that I got my water broken at 9 am. That was a weird but cool experience!
Then we just waited.. They kept upping the Petocin to make me progress but I wasn't every time they would check.. I was stuck at 1.5. It was super depressing.
Since I had the epidural I couldn't eat anything except ice chips and sometimes cranberry juice.
That was beginning to get a little rough.. So by this point I was starving, the Epidural was wearing off and I could feel all the contractions. I had not gotten any sleep the night before and I was anxious about my mom getting there in time and the nurses kept coming in to check on me and switch my positions to help it move along.
I was checked again Tuesday morning and I had finally made it to a 3!!
I had to have my epidural fixed a couple of times to make it work again.
My mom got to the Hospital at 2:30pm and I felt so much relief!
That day Sandy, Syd, Mom and Spencer were at the Hospital with me waiting.
Tuesday night was another rough one.. No sleep, no eating.. Except I did get a nurse that gave me a grape popsicle and it was like she gave me a dang Turkey leg! I was so excited! Spencer took this picture of how happy I was!
The only cruddy thing.. I was stuck at a 3 all day Tuesday.. We all kept saying that she was just waiting for Grandma Tiff to get there.
Well, Grandma got there but we were still waiting..
The whole time I was at a 3 (all day Tuesday and into the night) the nurses would say that I could just get a C-section if I wanted to so I could just be done.. But no one ever was forcing me to do it. I struggled a lot because I wanted to keep going but it felt like I was literally never going to progress and never going to have the baby. I kept asking my mom and Spencer if I should just do it. Spencer was super sweet and said that I could if I wanted to but he knew that I could keep going and do what I wanted, have the baby how we planned. My mom was also really supportive and kept telling me I could totally wait it out and that one I got to a 5 it would go really fast and other comforting things.
Well, Tuesday night was super rough and I could feel everything.. I mean everything!! The anesthesiologist came in several times and tried to fix the Epidural but nothing was working. It would feel ok for like 5 contractions then it would wear off. 
Wednesday morning I was checked and I was at 4.5 CM.. I was shocked but I swore I was going to be there for another day because of how the day before went. My contractions kept getting worse and I could still feel them!! Well I was checked like an hour later and I was at a 5.5, almost 6. I was progressing fast at this point and the nurses started to get things ready for me to deliver. I was shocked and so excited and way way nervous. I also felt a little delirious. The anesthesiologist also came back in and said they have something else to put in my epidural line that is way stronger than the regular epidural because my body was literally eating up the regular stuff.. that's why it wasn't working before for very long. Right when he put that other medicine in I felt it and stopped feeling the contractions as much as I was before. I could still feel the pressure but it was much better than before. Spencer was feeding me ice chips and helping me get through the contractions coming on every 30-45 seconds. The next time I was checked it was 6-7 CM. I kept saying it feels like she's going to come out of my butt! Or that I had to push. I felt like I needed to push! Everyone told me to just wait and not to push! It was getting harder and harder not to!
I felt the medicine kick in again and I started to think of things that were cracking me up!!
I just said, "There is a tiny human being inside of me... with skin on it!' Then I would just crack up laughing and I would laugh through the contraction. This went on for a while, well actually until I was told to push..
Other things I said and laughed at..
"Think of how tiny her nails are!!"
"Oh my gosh, think about her tiny eyelashes!"
"Think about her little eyebrows!!"
"Think about her tiny little bum!!"
"Think of how tiny her chin is!!"
I whispered, "She has a tiny vagina"
"She has tiny ankles!!"
"Ohhh think about her tiny knuckles!!"
"She has tiny knew caps!!"
"Think of how tiny her toenails are!!"
"Think of her tiny wrists and shoulders!"
Whispered again, "Her tiny nostrils!!"
Then a while went by and I started laughing and said "I'm going to put her in a tiny robe!! And tie the tie thing and everything!"
"I hope she has a chin dimple!"
Another couple minutes went by and all I could think about were those tiny juice boxes and how a regular size one would be too big for her so I'd need tiny ones!.. It was so weird!

It was around 10:00am that I was checked again and was at an 8-9 CM. They got all set up and I was so excited!
Around 10:30am they said I could start pushing so they got all set up.. Spencer was on my left side and my mom was right there with him.
10:35am -2 pushes and the nurse called for the Dr. to come in. The 3rd push and they could see head about an inch sliver of the head crowning.
    Spencer was helping hold my leg and putting his arm around my back to help me push. Him and my mom kept saying sweet things to help me! I had a mirror there for one push and then wanted it gone.. haha!
(Spencer said that every time they'd tell me to push he would be holding his breath with me so he was getting worn out too. Ha!) 
10:50-I was at my 5th push and the Dr was in the room. He asked if I wanted an episiotomy or to just tear. I almost shouted "just cut it!"  I was so close to having her out and I knew that would help. (also, I didn't want to tear..yikes)
So with a little snip and another push she came right out at 11:02 am!
They laid her right on my chest and washed her off. She put her hand up on my chest like in the pic below and it melted me. 

Spencer was tearing up and kept saying how beautiful she was and how amazing I did. I wasn't crying yet.. All I could say when they put her on my chest was, "She just breathed on me" It was so surreal to actually feel her breathe on me.. lay on me.. feel her tiny body. It was a dream!! The best feeling I have ever felt!

This picture is one of my favorite.. My mom right after they gave Olivia to me.. 
She came over to me and told me she loved me and it just felt so special. 
I was so happy that she was able to be there and help me. 
I don't think I'll ever forget that moment. 

Her hand on my chest again after being cleaned up and weighed. 
Holding daddy's finger.

Fresh Family photo.. haha! 

Syd seeing Liv for the first time

Grammy Tiff holding her first Grandbaby

Aunt Syd with Olivia 

Family photo.. sigh.. All of my heart right there. 

All her blonde hair! 

Big Aunt Jemima bow from the hospital

Jordan holding Liv

Daddy changing first diaper! haha!! 

Aunt Kathy holding her! 

Grammy Tiff and Sheri

Grammy Tiff and Grams Sandy setting up balloons and fun stuff for when we got home! 

Finally leaving the hospital on Friday!! 

Syd had to dress her up right when we got home in her favorite outfit she had gotten for her. 

I still can't believe I had a sweet baby girl.. It's so Surreal but I love it so much! 
I want 5 more!!! haha! 

Pure bliss...
Olivia Reagan Ewald 
June 10th 2015 
11:02 am 
7lbs 3.3 oz 
20.5 inches long
And we love her soooooooo much!!!!!

1 notes:

Sandy said...

Congratulations! Baby Olivia is a welcome addition to our family! This is a beautiful record of a precious memory.