Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Finally an Answer!!

I have been struggling with headaches for a long time...I  have had so many things done to try and figure things out but to no avail. I always get let down.. literally every time I would go to the doctor I would get told  that what we were thinking it was is not the reason I have headaches... tumor on my brain..? Nope, not the cause of my headaches. Food allergy testing..? Nope, nothing. A couple of different medicines...? Nope nothing works, some of them making them worse. Well, then I finally went to a doctor to see about my hormones. I wanted to see if I was imbalanced and see if that could be the reason for a couple of other things. I went, did a blood test and a saliva test. Also, the Doctor, a great, supportive lady talked to me and told me that all of my symptoms (there were a couple of there ones that were concerning to her) were aligned with an imbalance of hormones. She even said.. and I quote "You have come to the right place!! We can totally help you!!" I was so excited but still a little skeptical.. 
So I did the blood test, I spit in the vial and sent it off.. then the next week and the results were soooo weird and the answer to everything!! My Estrogen was normal at 1.3 (normal range is 1.3-3.3) but my Progesterone was low at 14 (normal range is 75-270) Like whoa!!!! That is really low! So I got a prescription for progesterone cream and a a pill called DIM. In a couple weeks we will see how I feel and adjust as needed. I am so excited to see how I feel!! 

3 notes:

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness ! I have been suffering from headaches constantly! I went a different route and purchased the nutribullet and haven doin the hormone imbalance recipes and so far I feel like its working =) Who is your Dr. ?

Unknown said...

*have been

Chelsea Diane said...

Hi! The doctor is Cheryl Simmons. She is going on maternity leave in a couple of weeks. But after that she will be taking new patients! You should totally go and see her! I've seen you have had bad migraines! Their website is www.wecarefwc.com