Monday, February 9, 2009

PB&J can have my heart (Things I love:part II)

I am slightly addicted to PB&J.. and Friday I needed to satisfy this craving.. so being the creative person I am.. I went and got some pretzels and found out a friend at work had PB and the J..
Yummy!!!!!! Friday, Chuck and I decorated Audrey's desk for her Birthday..we were a little crazy... If this picture doesn't already give that away...
(I love that the reason this picture is blurry is because I was laughing so hard while taking it)
It was also Go RED day for Women by the American Heart Association at work.. So I got a picture of (some) of my team dressed in RED..

They had a red dress statue in the lobby at work for the GO RED day and so we found it funny to take a picture of Audrey with it... turns out it was in fact funny..

P.S. This weekend was extremely too short!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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