Tuesday, May 24, 2011

going going...

Whoa.. it's been crazy lately.. and by "it" I mean everything..

I try to stay calm and collected throughout it but sometimes it gets to me. I feel crazy overwhelmed and like just taking off would help. I know it wouldn't and I don't really want to leave.. it's just the idea of escaping the overwhelmed feeling. I totally know that won't help.

School, bakes sales (that I am making 3 different kinds of treats for) camping trip and planning for that, trying to plan for a trip to NY.. besides school it all sounds fun... just not the planning part. Ugh.

I need something to relax my brain.. a good book or something.

Maybe I need a good concert to go to.. a random day trip.. a surprise or something to perk me up again! I feel so buried in all the planning, one of those things would be nice. Ya know?

So for right now I'll take good book suggestions and maybe be looking out for a good concert.

1 notes:

Kath said...

Water For Elephants. U2 will be in CA in 2 weeks!!! Greatest concert EVER!
