Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I've been missin' you

I miss them so much.. knowing that they are across the country is so disheartening.. I think it really kicked in when I was sick and could have really used my mom to be there with me.. but it's ok.. less than a month and I will be hangin with my mom for two weeks!!! I'm so excited!!! I wish they all could come!
I miss dad and his funny witty comments that make us all laugh! I miss mom.. well.. everything about mom and dad living really close.. I miss Sydney's sassiness....NEVER thought I'd say that! Good thing we have Facebook.. I miss having an on-call best-sister-friend..
I miss Spencer and his cuddle sessions with me! I miss Spencer hugs and him randomly saying he loves me.. and him asking me to make him some funny random ringtones... just everything about him..
Well.. now that I've cried a whole lot.. I hope they know how much I miss them and love them!
Hopefully I will be able to go back there and see them soon! I want to see where they live and go to school and stuff!!

1 notes:

Kath said...

I miss them too!

-Aunt Kathy