Thursday, August 12, 2010

This is what I did last night..

Babysat some of the cutest , sweetest, well-behaved kids EVER!!!
^ These are their scary faces^

It was so much fuuunnnn!!!!
Look at that face!!!!
She didn't even cry that I stayed there when mom and dad left!
It was a babysitting miracle!
She just walked around saying "cheese" whenever the camera was out
Seriously they were the cutest kids ever!! When it was time to go to bed they all got ready and went to their beds without freaking out! It was awesome! Another cute thing was when we all had family prayer before the kids went to sleep. Jossy said it and it was so so sweet!
When I was tucking in Jossy she said "Can you stay and hangout?" Mmmmm!!! I said of course and then kissed her face!! She asked me to tell them a story. So {off the cuff} I came up with a story about Princess Jossy and her grasshopper friend Hoppy.. yeah it was a full on 10 minute story...{even I was surprised with myself} and when I thought I was done and they were asleep, Fletcher looked over and said "That's it?!" So I had to add a second installment of Hoppy and the Princess.

1 notes:

Kath said...

So glad they were good for you! They were excited when I told them you were coming!
